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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

FYI Notification in Oracle SSHR AME

Business Requirement:

We implemented HRMS manager self service and using AME, For New Hire process, the approval is: HR Director, and FYI notifications to IT, Finance, Security department.

We are on AME B, oracle 12.0.5. As of now I am successful to send to HR Director for approval. I need help for FYI notifications

Please let me know how can I achieve this.

Already rule is created for Approval process.

1. Create Approval Group(FYI recipeints)(You can use Position Roles)
2. Create new rule having Category as "For You Information".
3. Condition of FYI rule will be same as Approval rule.
4. Action will be notification to FYI recipients.
5. Test it.


SIT Approval Workflow Process

Process Name - HR_SIT_JSP_PRC

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The macro cannot be found or has been disabled (BI Publisher and Office 2010)

Recently I have upgraded MS Office from 2007 to 2010. As I work on some BI projects, part of mine set of oracle programs is oracle BI Publisher Desktop, which use Word as report template designer. When I run BI Publisher macros in Word 2010 I got following error:
The macro cannot be found or has been disabled because of your macro security settings

The solution

The solution shown here really works (tested on several computers), so I'm writing this down to be more like documentation for future reference to anyone stack on this case. Idea is to remove old *.EXD files from any location in %USERPROFILE% folders that might exists.
Because mine praxis is to have separate %USERPROFILE% folder location then where are OS files (different then partition then C:), exd file was found as shown. In mine case it was only in one folder:

D:\Users\Sandip\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms>dir

 Volume in drive D is Data
 Volume Serial Number is 505E-794F
 Directory of D:\Users\Sandip\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms
01.02.2011  11:45    <DIR>          .
01.02.2011  11:45    <DIR>          ..
12.03.2009  15:17           165.808 MSComctlLib.exd
31.08.2010  10:34            11.776
01.02.2011  11:19             7.168
               3 File(s)        184.752 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  51.699.859.456 bytes free
D:\Users\Sandip\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms>
So all you have to do is:
  1. Rename existing "MSComctlLib.exd" file to "MSComctlLib.exd_bak"
  2. Install BI Publisher again.
It should work....


Reference :-

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Education and Qualification and Other Professional Qualifications Approval in SSHR

Education and Qualification and Other Professional Qualifications Approval in SSHR:
Process Name for Education and Qualification workflow - HR_QUALIFICATION_JSP_PRC
And Process Name for Other Professional Qualifications workflow - HR_AWARD_JSP_PRC

First Responder wins Approval in Oracle SSHR AME

First Responder wins Approval in Oracle SSHR AME:

Requirement - My client requirement is once personal details are updated through self-service page, it should go to HR for approval. As of now I am able to send notification to one person in HR dept. Now I want notification should go to many HR people and one first person approves it, request should get approved. If no one is taking action within three working days then it should get rejected. Please let me know how this can be achieved. Steps:
1.       Login by SYSADMIN
2.       Go to Approval Manager Administrator -> Configuration Variables -> Select Transaction Type - Oracle Self Service Human Resources -> Allow All Approver Type Set to Yes  Both Default and Transaction Type
3.       Go to Approver Type Quick Link and Add PQH_ROLE there i.e. Position Control Roles
4.        Define Roles: Using HRMS Manager Responsibility define roles and assign the Person names to the roles that are part of an approver group. For each approver group for which parallel notification is required, define a corresponding role in the Maintain Roles form with the same members assigned to the role as in the approver group.
Navigation: HRMS Manager responsibility -> Transaction Maintenance ->Roles -> Maintain
Roles -> Users
5.       Approver Group set up:
Using Approvals Management Business Analyst responsibility within AME, select the
Transaction Type and define attributes/conditions as required for the business case. Define the Approver group with Voting regime ‘first-responder-wins and add the Roles defined in Step 1

6.       Approver group members with Approver Type ‘Position Control Roles’. Add those roles to which the corresponding group members were assigned whom we want to be the members of the approver group. Give order number for the roles so that if we are using multiple roles/groups for approval, the members of each of role will be notified based on the order number assigned to the roles. Define Approval Rule with action type set to require approval from the approver groups. Navigation: Approvals Management Business Analyst responsibility -> Business Analyst Dashboard -> Select Transaction Type -> Define Attributes -> Conditions ->Define Approver Groups -> Add Group Members (Roles) ->Define Rule
 7.     In Action Type – Ordering Mode – Parallel and Voting Method -> First Responder Wins

Reference -

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How to create Leave Approval workflow using AME

Requirement : Once leave is submitted, notification should go to first supervisor and then to HR Staff for approval.

2. Create Approval Group - Name - HR Approver
                                            Description - HR Approver
                                            Order Number - 1
                                            Voting Method - Serial
                                            Usage Type - Static
                                            Approver - Name of HR People
3. Create new Action Type - Approval Group Chain of Authority
4. Remove HR_GENERIC_APPROVAL_PRC  from existing WORKFLOW_PROCESS_NAME condition. Do not remove HR_LOA_JSP_PRC
5. Create New Rule - Name - XXXX
                                  Type - List Creation
                                  Item Class - Header
                                  Start Date - Date
                                  End Date - Date
6. Add new created condition
7. Add Two Action Types
     1. supervisory level
      2. approval-group chain of authority
8. Create the rule.
9. Clear the cache
10. No change is required in the Workflow.
11. Absence Management function parameter should be -
12. Test the approval. It should go properly.
