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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Excel and Internet Explorer Setup for Spreadsheet Upload(Oracle Web ADI)

Current Enrollment Conversion from Legacy (OAB) – Oracle Advanced Benefits

Current Enrollment Conversion from Legacy (OAB)

Workbench Conversion:

Performing the steps above and ensuring that you run a test and/or sample conversion will help to ensure the success of your conversion. A test run or sample will also familiarize your with the tasks and processes. Once the above steps are complete you can follow the steps in the HRMS workbench to complete conversion.

Current Enrollment Conversion from Legacy (OAB)

  1. Navigate to the HRMS workbench
  2. Use the HRMS Workbench Responsibility
  3. Choose Data conversion benefits enrollments
  4. Click on go to task
  5. In the task list change the manual status for the tasks already completed i.e.) plan design and run participation life event process and click on apply manual status
  6. If you need to review any of the tasks click on go to task
  7. If all is complete then click on load benefit elections
  8. Choose your Business group that you are loading elections into
  9. A load benefit elections icon is displayed below business group click on spreadsheet icon to launch spreadsheet
  10. You will receive a file download popup to save file to your desktop
  11. Choose open spreadsheet
  12. When you open spreadsheet you may need to adjust your macro security to use - a message will be give if needed
  13. Use the template to load the elections into the data pump tables. You will need to load the appropriate data for you plan design but general required fields are noted. See the enrollment template in Appendix A for description of the fields. For new Elections enter the Mandatory information in the template as detailed. For mass upload and IVR data refer to ongoing changes IVR and mass upload below. For other special conversion scenarios i.e.) OSB see following cases. Note: you do not need to load shell plans like flex credit shell or imputed shell as the processing will do this for you.
  14. The excel tool bar in the spreadsheet has a new Oracle item. Click it to choose upload to upload to data pump tables. You will be asked for upload parameters to be chosen; Upload all, upload only flagged, and validate before upload. The spreadsheet will do some basic validation. Once uploaded the data is in the data pump tables. You can load multiple spreadsheets to the data pump table before submitting the data pump process. Or you can run data pump after every upload to the data pump tables.
  15. As noted you can skip the workbench steps and load directly to data pump tables. In doing so you may need to review the HRMS data pump documentation to load data into data pump batches and line directly. You can review the data pump document on Metalink Note 72564.1.
  16. Return to workbench and click Run the data pump to Submit process to data into OAB enrollment tables. This upload will run the core enrollment and post enrollment processes to validate the data.
  17. Click on View errors to review the errors returned form the data pump load. Correct errors and rerun the batch until all the records are completed without any errors.
  18. Repeat this process until all errors or issues are resolved

Reference - Conversion Master document from Oracle Support.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Default Enrollment Functionality in RUP 5 - Oracle Advanced Benefits(OAB)

There was a bug fix done in 12621882.
System was defaulting all the options in a plan when a rule evaluates the plan to be defaulted.
So a fix has been done such that, when a rule evaluates the plan to be defaulted then there should be at least one option for that plan with default check box checked.
If none of the options in plan has a default check box checked; then no option will be defaulted.
If the plan has no options then the plan has to be defaulted as usual.
There is new change in the functionality hence the product is working as intended.

Here is the detailed Explanation of Change in Default Enrollment Functionality.
Case 1: When Rule is attached at the Plan level which has one or more options
Assume Plan A has options Opt AAssign on Default Checked & Opt B Assign on Default NOT Checked

Before Rup 5: When rule satisfies, system will default all the options Opt A & Opt B, irrespective of Assign on Default Flag is Checked at the option Level or not
After Rup 5: When rule satisfies, system will default only option "Opt A" as only "Opt A" has the assign on default is checked.
If none of the options has the Assign on Default Flag Checked, then system WILL NOT DEFAULT any of the options.

Case 2: When Rule is attached at the Option level
Assume Plan A has options Opt A Assign on Default Checked & Opt B Assign on Default NOT Checked and both has a rule attached.
Before Rup 5: When rule satisfies for Opt B, system will default the Opt B, even though the Assign on Default Flag is NOT Checked.
After Rup 5: When rule satisfies for Opt B, system will NOT default the Opt B, as Assign on Default is not Checked at the Option Level
Note: Now the system will behave based on BOTH the Rule and Option Level Assign on default Flag for defaulting an option.
If either of the Rule or Assign on Default Flag at Option level fails, system will not default the option.



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Using Child Dependent List of Value to Payroll Element Entries Validation - Oracle Payroll

Business Requirement – At the time of doing element entry for school allowance for any particular employee, when payroll team will try to select child name, system should show only children of that particular employee

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Close Enrollment Process in Oracle Advanced Benefits(OAB)

1.       New Hire Life Event was started and there is certificate submission open action item

2.       Ran the close Enrollment Process with below parameters

   Note - Removing Action Item Effective Date also works fine

                After removing Close Action Item Flag parameter, program goes to Error.


3.       Life event got processed



4.       Action Items are open(Expected behavior)


5.       Program Enrollment Requirement Setup is done on “When Elections are Made”



Monday, April 1, 2013

How to have Capitalization Effects (uppercase / lowercase) in Toad for Oracle v9

Use the Language Management tool to customize editor behavior for reserved words:

Toad for Oracle 9.0 to 9.5:

 1. Go to View | Toad Options in the main menu.
 2. On the left-hand side of the options window go to Editor | Behavior.
 3. Under the Language section, highlight PL/SQL (default) and then click the Edit button.
 4. In the Language Management window, click the Highlighting tab.
 5. Under styles, select Reserved word.
 6. For the Capitalization effect use the drop-down list to select desired behavior.

Toad for Oracle 9.6.1 and above:

 1. Go to View | Toad Options in the main menu.
 2. On the left-hand side of the options window go to Editor | Behavior.
 3. Under the Language section, click on the Syntax highlighting button.
 4. In the new window, under styles, select Reserved word.
 5. For the Capitalization effect use the drop-down list to select desired behavior.